Fornasiero Paolo

Paolo Fornasiero
Staff/Student ID number: 
040 558 3973
Full professor
General and Inorganic Chemistry
Head of Department - Deputy Head
Senato Accademico - Membro
Head's Office - Deputy Head
Head's Office - Delegato per la Sicurezza
Executive Board - Deputy Head
Management Committee - Deputy Head
Department's Board - Member
Boards of Studies - Member
Teaching staff - Teaching staff
Research Group - Member
Programme Description Position
Chemistry.teachers Boards of Studies - Member


Research Project Position Status of Research Project
Single atom based nanohybrid photocatalyts for green fuels Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
Ecosistema Innovazione iNEST –Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem Research projects - Participant; Active
Ecosistema Innovazione iNEST Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem - ATTIVITA' NON RENDICONTABILI Research projects - Participant; Active
Photocatalytic valorization of biomasses for H2 production Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
10% budget ricerca - Miriam Marchi - NANOTECNOLOGIE- XXXVII Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
10%budget ricerca - Grando Gaia - Nanotecnologie XXXVIII Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
10%budget ricerca - Guazzi Simone- Chimica XXXVII Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
Synthetic and Structural Synergy Towards Advanced Heterogeneous Photoredox Catalysis Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
10%budget ricerca-Castellani Gaia- Nanotecnologie 38 PNRR Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
Next gEneration PGM-Free EleCtrocatalysts for the Green Electrosynthesis of Hydrogen PerOxide and Electro-Fenton preservation of Aqueous Environments Research projects - Participant; Active
Single-Atom Photocatalysts Enhanced by a Self-Powered Photonic Glass Reactor to Produce Advanced Biofuels Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
Foto/elettro compositi nanostrutturati per la produzione di H2 e chemical ad alto valore aggiunto mediante splitting dell'acqua e riduzione della CO2 Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
10% budget di ricerca - Roberto Taberini - Chimica XL Research projects - Scientific Actor; Active
Last update: 03-19-2025 - 21:50