To do what?
The activities to be carried out abroad in order to obtain academic credits are attending courses (exams) or carrying out a thesis (for information on each location, see the following table and contact the Exchange Coordinator). PHARMACY STUDENTS CAN ALSO DO EXPERIMENTAL THESES ABROAD .
Financial contribution?
The financial contribution usually varies depending on the chosen location from 250 to 350 euros per month. Additional financial contributions can also be requested based on the achieved educational objectives and ISEE (details indicated in the call).
Only in foreign universities that have agreements with the Erasmus Plus program ( ...).
The destinations offered may vary from year to year depending on the availability of the hosting universities.
The Erasmus plus Traineeship calls are usually published in autumn. From year to year, the details of the calls may vary, however, in general, the following description of the program is proposed:
The Erasmus Plus Traineeship Program allows regularly enrolled students at the University of Trieste to access curricular and extracurricular internships carried out full-time abroad (also usable for thesis data collection) with a duration equal to or greater than (usually) 3 months. Doctoral students, specialization students, and graduating students who intend to carry out an internship after obtaining their degree can also access these scholarships.
At companies, universities, training and research centers, European higher education institutions (excluding European agencies, institutions, or organizations that manage European programs, consulates, and embassies of the student's country of origin) in the European Union - with the exception of Italy -, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey. Switzerland does not participate in the Erasmus plus program as a host country.
The University of Trieste and its departments, as well as the Job Placement office, provide a list of companies and institutions that offer internship positions. Alternatively (a common case for Pharmacy and CTF students), students have the possibility to autonomously identify a hosting institution that meets their specific needs.
Currently, the allocation of Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarships takes place until the funds are exhausted. The scholarships are therefore assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Applications must be submitted by January 15, 2025, at 12:00. Internships can start from February 24, 2025, and must end no later than July 31, 2026.
Financial contribution?
The financial contribution varies depending on the host country from 450 to 500 euros per month and may be integrated with a monthly contribution from the MUR. Additional information is available at: ...
Note. Past Erasmus: each single-cycle degree student can carry out an ERASMUS+ mobility for a total of 24 months.
Additional study abroad opportunities are available at: