The Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences is partner of the European Industrial Doctorate GreenX3

GreenX3 is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network Industrial Doctorate (DN-ID) funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme.
The network is coordinated by Dr. Nazende Günday-Türeli at MyBiotech GmbH and comprises 6 beneficiary partners and 10 associated partners from industrial and academic sectors, from Germany, Spain, France, Italy and UK.
GreenX3 will focus on the study of greener materials and their environmental impact, the development of novel environment-friendly industrial processes, and key enabling technologies (KETs) designed to enhance resource management and product quality.
The project offers 13 PhD positions in Innovative and Sustainable materials, processes and technologies for a GREENer and circular economy in universities, research institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In Trieste, two Doctoral Candidates have been recruited and enrolled in the PhD School in Chemistry. The Candidates, Mandana Momenpour Surchani and Akshay Ranganath, are supervised by profs. Federico Berti and Cristina Forzato. Their industrial projects are carried out in cooperation with Demus spa, and deal with the development of novel organic decaffeination processes.
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