Avviso di seminari: 13-14-15-16 giugno 2022 ore 11.00 – 13.00, Microwaves and Ball Milling in Organic Synthesis and Material Chemistry

Tipologia evento: 
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
13/06/2022 - 11:00
Data fine evento: 
16/06/2022 - 13:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 


Prof. Ester Vázquez

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Instituto Regional de Investigación Científica Aplicada Ciudad Real, Spain



Part 1. Green Chemistry. Microwaves in Organic Synthesis
Part 2. Microwaves for the modification and purification of carbon nanostructures
Part 3. Ball milling methodologies in dry media. Application to the preparation of 2D materials




13-14-15-16 giugno 2022 ore 11.00 – 13.00, Sala del Consiglio

Online on Teams at link:  




Short CV

Professor Vázquez has focused her research efforts on the functionalization and
purification of carbon nanostructures using non-conventional methodologies,
demonstrating how scaling-up of the modified carbon nanostructures is possible
using green protocols. Her group uses microwave radiations for the activation of
carbon nanostructures in solvent-free conditions, preparing multifunctional
derivatives that can serve as versatile synthons in materials science and biological
applications. She has also applied ball milling methodologies in dry media to shorten
and functionalize carbon nanotubes, and for the preparation of graphene and other
2D materials. The ball milling approach allows the production of highly dispersed
graphene in organic solvents, and it is one of the best ways of producing graphene
suspensions in water, which enables, for instance, the study of interactions of
graphene with living bodies and the incorporation of graphene in smart gels with
applications on controlled drug delivery, tissue engineering and soft robotics.
Her expertise in these synthetic methodologies can be of great interest for PhD students increasing their knowledge in the stage of methodologies for the
environmentally friendly preparation of smart materials. The possibility of using
processes that avoid the generation of waste and save energy, contributes
positively to the development of projects within the European Green Deal policies.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-06-2022 - 10:48